Friday, February 18, 2011

Student of the Month

Each month Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts will honor a student for their efforts and devotion to the practice of martial arts. This award is given to a dedicated student who repeatedly gives it their all and does their very best.

We are pleased to announce January's Student of the Month: Mackenzie Bouise!

Mackenzie has put forth extra effort by assisting her peers in their karate training. She has been on the mat consistently helping lower rank students during each class. Mackenzie has also stepped up her own training and has excelled, especially in kata and weapons.

Congrats Mackenzie!!

Spring Break and Summer Camps

Are you looking for something unique and fun this Spring and Summer?

Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts will host Spring Break Camps for Scottsdale and PV USDs.

We will also host (12) weekly Camps throughout summer beginning May 31st - Aug. 19th. Kids will enjoy three martial arts classes/drills daily, weekly field trips, team-building games, outdoor sports, movies and a variety of other activities.

To register, please email or call 480-200-1187.