Monday, March 28, 2011

Tournaments: A parent and student perspective

The Tournament Team at Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts has been rated #1 in Arizona and #4 in the nation five-years running by the United States Karate Alliance (USKA). Our students actively participate in AZ tournaments and travel throughout the Southwest region to go up against some of the toughest competition around. Many of our students have competed and won at State, National and World levels. A parent's point of view by Darren and Suzanne Kessner: Tournaments have helped Cameron grow in many ways both in and out of the dojo. First, his competitive nature has an outlet. It has helped him build confidence in himself and gives him a sense of both self respect and respect for others. His ability to speak in front of people in any situation is directly connected to the ability to perform in front of strangers. In the dojo, techniques are taught but in competition, the creativity to bring those techniques to life is expressed. Prior to karate, Cameron participated in soccer where everyone received a trophy at the end of the season. The first trophy that Cameron won at a local karate tournament was earned solely by his skill. His first comment, "Dad, this is the first trophy that I have really won on my own". That meant a lot to us as parents. Tournaments, particularly the sparring part, have had a profound effect in the area of bullying. Before Cameron started Karate he had been bullied at school several times. The confidence and discipline he now has inside enables him the ability to walk away on his terms and not feel powerless. For us as a family it has been a lot of fun traveling to tournaments around Arizona, California, and New Mexico. We have so many fun "Road Trip" memories. Cameron has met friends from all over. Although he competes against them, he has developed friendships with a common link-karate. Being able to have a competitive edge yet cheer on those very same competitors is not a skill taught but one learned. As parents, we have met a lot of families both within and outside of our dojo and it is very nice connecting with them at karate tournaments and establishing friendships beyond our everyday routines. Cameron's take on tournaments: In my opinion, tournaments are a good way to express yourself, meet other competitors and overall have fun. Tournaments have helped me gain confidence in not only my martial arts part of life but at school speaking in front of the class, asking questions and between my friends. I feel great knowing that I am a part of a bigger team, a team that has my back and encourages me to be a better athlete. Tournaments give me a way to connect to other martial artists whether they are judging me or competing against me. I enjoy supporting my team members and seeing them succeed knowing that I have helped them train and become a better martial artist as well.

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