June: Practical Self Defense from the Ground
Peaceful Warrior is a traditional martial arts school that offers a wide rage of adult and youth classes in karate, jujitsu, weapons, sparring, tournaments and mma. Our After-School Karate Club builds success in schools by offering transportation from your child's school, assisted homework and karate classes each day! We host summer, winter, fall and spring break karate camps for kids. Get in shape, learn self-defense and build confidence.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Practical Self Defense from the Ground
June: Practical Self Defense from the Ground
Parents Night Out
Ages 6 and up
Drop the kids off for a fun-filled evening of games, pizza and more!
Saturday, August 11th from 12-3pm
2nd Annual Inner Dojo Tournament
Ages 5 to 15
The competition includes Kata, Sparring and Jujitsu. This is a great opportunity to test your skills in a comfortable environment with friends. Sign up at the dojo.
Thursday, August 16th from 5:30-8:30pm
Girls Attack Back (GAB)
Ages 10 and up
Learn to be your first line of self-defense in this empowering session.
$30, second person 1/2 off
Saturday, August 25th from 9am-12pm
Open Sparring - Summer Summit
Ages 13 and up
All styles, all skill levels!
$10 mat fee
20 Worst Drinks in America
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Join us for this empowering session and pass along to all the women you love.
Thursday, May 10
Be your first line of self-defense!
Learn to:
•carry yourself confidently
•use everyday items as weapons
•defend against multiple attacks and holds
•use your powerful voice
•gain control ASAP
A perfect Mother's Day gift!
Calling all moms, daughters, aunts, sisters, grandmas ages 10 to adult. Just $30, second person 1/2 price (cash or check only). 6451 E Shea Blvd, Scottsdale. call 480-200-1187.
Watch our TV segment on Sonoran Living:
Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Karate Tournament Team Excels at Nationals!
The Nationals Tournament hosts the "best-of-the best"of USKA competitors across the country. In order to compete in this tournament, competitors must first qualify at the State or Regional Tournament, or by placing at Nationals the year prior. Since every single one of the Peaceful Warrior competitors placed (unheard of, by the way!!) they are all automatically qualified for next year's Nationals.
Here are the results:
Aditya Gunderia: 1st Weapons, 2nd Sparring, 2nd Team Kata, 3rd Kata
Allen Kratzer: 2nd Kata, 2nd Koshiki, 3rd Weapons, 3rd Sparring, 4th Musical Kata
Brent Armistead: 1st Sparring, First Koshiki, 1st Chanbara, 2nd Kata, 2nd Weapons, 2nd Team Kata
Cameron Kessner: 4th Kata
Chance Glover: 2nd Musical Kata, 2nd Team Sparring, 4th Sparring
Jasper Brown: 4th Kata
Julianna Chin-Tung: 3rd Sparring
Mackenzie Bouise: 2nd Kata, 2nd Weapons, 4th Chanbara
Max Bouise: 1st Team Sparring, 2nd Chanbara, 4th Weapons
Rachel Hostletler: 1st Sparring, 2nd Team Kata, 4th Kata
Sensei Poage: 1st Sparring, 1st Kata, 1st Weapons
Girls Attack Back Women & Self-Defense Seminar
carry yourself confidently
use everyday items as weapons
defend against multiple attacks and holds
use your powerful voice
gain control ASAP
Email us to sign up for this session. A perfect Mother's Day gift!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The Effectiveness of the Martial Arts: Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts and Healing Center
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Guest Instructors include great martial artists like Sensei Doug Perry, Tachi Troy Price, Renshi Dan McCaslin, Renshi Rodney Cheeseman, Kyoshi Eberhard Welch, Kyoshi Stolsmark, Kyoshi Tom Ward, Kyoshi Arnold Mitchell, Kyoshi Eddie Bethea and our very own Sensei Poage!
Spring Gathering Open Sparring Throwdown

Become a Karate Kid this Summer

Summer Camp will run in one-week sessions from March 28 - August 3
Limited to 40 Campers/week so sign up ASAP!
Campers will:
- Participate in 3+ martial arts classes each day
- Enjoy games, activities and fun
- Attend an exciting field trip each week
- Spend time playing outdoors
- All in a safe and enriching environment!
Journey with a Master

Hanshi Perry will be at Peaceful Warrior on Thursday, March 15 for a special class just for us from 6:30-8:00pm!
He will also host a 3-hour seminar on Saturday, March 17 from 2:00-5:00pm at Peaceful Warrior. We look forward to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with one of the greatest martial arts practitioners in our style.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Camp @Scottsdalkarate
Had a blast with Cory today from Fox 10. Thanks for coming out!!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Spring Break & Summer Karate Camps are just around the corner!
Camp participants gain life-skills like problem solving, conflict resolution, respect, discipline and confidence. Hours of fun are spent challenging kids both mentally and physically.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Scottsdale karate school shows off at qualifying
Monday, February 13, 2012
Peaceful Warrior Demo Team performs!
Monday, February 6, 2012
Scary Statistics and Safe Dating Tips
While Valentines day is a day of romance, for those looking for love the dating world can be a scary place.
The continued increase in social media and online dating services leaves women vulnerable to dating violence.
Check out these staggering stats:
- Seventy-seven (77)% of completed rapes are committed by non-strangers (Bureau of Justice Statistics). A woman is four times more likely to be date raped than by a stranger (Illinois Coaliltion Against Sexual Assault).
- Date rape is rarely reported to police. Less than 2% of acquaintance rape victims reported the assault whereas 21% of women raped by strangers reported the crime to police (Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault)
- Every year, an estimated one woman in eight in college is raped and in 85% of those assaults the women knew their attacker (Texas Woman's University)
Women and girls of all ages are taking back their power by attending a new female focused self defense class in Scottsdale. Girls Attack Back (GAB) is designed not only to teach self defense but also to unite women and girls of all walks of life. Women don't have to be victims, because women who have even the most basic self-defense skills are less likely to become a target of crime. GAB participants learn simple techniques to help protect themselves. Including using weapons most women have on them, but don't even realize it (keys, rings, purses, lip gloss).
The F.B.I., National Victim Center and Crime Victim Research Treatment Center have reported shocking statistics:
- More than 2 1/2 million women in the US experience violence each year
- Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to police
- One out of seven women will be assaulted by their husbands
- One in four college women have either been assaulted or have suffered attempted rape
- In a survey of college women, 38% reported sexual victimization yet only one out of every 25 reported their assault to police - 78% knew their attackers
- The United States has the highest rape rate of the countries that report such statistics - four times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England and 20 times higher than Japan.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Karate Spring Break Camps in Scottsdale and Paradise Valley

Spring Break Session 1:
March 5 - 9
Spring Break Session 2:
March 19-23
Limited to 20 Campers/week so sign up ASAP!
Campers will:
Participate in 3+ martial arts classes each day
Enjoy games, activities and fun
Attend an exciting field trip
Spend time playing outdoors
All in a safe and enriching environment!
Don't get stuck doing the same tournament circuit!

Grand Canyon State Games - February 25th
AZ International Open, Jiu-Jitsu - March 3rd & 4th
ASKA Tournament - March 10th
Arizona Karate Championship, USANKF - March 17th
Remember, don't get stuck by attending to the same tournament circuit all the time. You can't challenge yourself that way! Try different circuits and different competitors. You'll be amazed at what you can do!
Heading to Nationals!
What an accomplishment! Everyone who attended the State Tournament placed and qualified. We are so proud of each and every one of you.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Kicks and Punches Fly in Little Warriors Class
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Kicking ADHD with ME
ME ADHD Program Informational Open House
January 18th, 2012
The ME Informational Open House will answer all your questions about this unique karate based ADHD program launching January 23rd, 2012.
You will hear from the owners of The Peaceful Warrior Center on why they created the program. Learn how they designed it to help kids improve focus & behavior, while minimizing need for medication. You will also hear from Licensed Psychologist Dr. Dan Short on the science behind the program and why he believes it can help kids with ADHD even more than he can in an office setting.
Afterwards you have the opportunity to ask questions while you enjoy refreshments and appetizers.
January 18th, 2012 @ 5:30pm
The Peaceful Warrior Center 6451 E Shea Blvd Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Thursday, January 5, 2012
New Karate Program for kids with AD/HD

Monday, January 2, 2012
CrossFit & Jujitsu Team Up for the Ultimate Workout!
Peaceful Warrior Martial Arts has teamed up with CrossFit Chaparral for the ultimate in martial arts training and fitness...
Each class combines the traditional and time-honored techniques of Jujitsu with a results producing, addictive inducing, high-intensity workout. Learn practical stand-up and ground defense, all while getting into the best shape of your life. You'll be ready for virtually any physical challenge life throws your way!
Tuesdays & Thursdays
Teens (12+), women and men - beginners welcome
Girls Attack Back - A Self Defense Program Just for Females!

Calling all Moms, Daughters, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmas!
Be fierce and fabulous with GAB. Learn valuable tools to find your inner strength and defend yourself. Condition yourself physically, and mentally.
This program is specifically designed for girls and women of all ages so you can be your first line of defense.
You will learn to:
Carry yourself confidently
Use everyday items as lethal weapons
Defend against multiple attacks and hold
Move and strike with great force
Use your powerful voice
Gain control ASAP
New Year, New Classes, New Memories to Make!

This past year has brought us so many amazing things to be grateful for and we thank everyone who is part of the Peaceful Warrior family.
We have a variety of NEW classes for 2012 and we hope that as you make your New Year's Resolutions, you can fit some of these into your schedule.
Fitness Classes
Cardio Kickboxing
This is not your average Kickboxing Class! You will learn real world self defense, while getting into great shape. This is a fun, high-energy class that provides a total body workout focusing on kickboxing techniques (jabs, punches and kicks), combining high and low impact aerobics moves and a 'plan' for self defense!
Mondays & Wednesdays
Everyone needs 'me' time. Yoga utilizes stretching postures, breathing and meditation techniques to calm the mind and tone the body. You will improve physical and emotional health and create a state of internal peace. At the practical level you will learn physical techniques that will improve posture, balance and alignment, plus build a stronger core.
Chi Gung
Chi Gung is the practice of increasing and strengthening the energy flow throughout your body using simple, gentle movements. You will learn the exercises that underlie both the martial and healing powers of Tai Chi. They are used in China to increase energy, balance and longevity.
Family Karate
New Year's Resolutions? Looking for family activities that involve learning something new together that's also fun? Join us for Family Class. Train karate, get fit, share goals, spend quality time together and meet other friendly people.
Our Family Classes offer:
A way to bring your family closer together
A rewarding activity you can all enjoy
Positive attitudes towards fitness and health
Exercise time for both you and your children
A positive environment surrounded by motivated goal-setters
Be a role model for physical activity and significantly improve the chances that your children will lead healthy and active lives as well!
See more classes online.